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My 10 Fashion Commandments to always look your best!

Recently I helped a client curate his wardrobe and it amazed me how many people lack knowledge on certain fashion rules and fashion “faux-pas” to avoid. Today I’m sharing with you my “10 Fashion Commandments” to abide by to always look sharp and polished.

Rule #1 - You shall dress for your body type!

Your problem – you feel self-conscious about your heavy stomach, sloppy shoulders or perhaps your height?

Your solution – wear clothes suiting your body shape. A double-breasted jacket will only suit an inverted triangle men who hits the gym 7 days a week! If you have an oval shape, you will most likely accentuate your abdomen.


Rule #2 - You shall dress for your age!

Your problem – You feel you are not dressing for your age or/and your corporate position.

Your solutions – Ditch the graphics tees and go for solid colours tees. Or even better opt for polos to give you a more polished and sophisticated look. Polos tend to slim down and they have been designed especially for all the “Dad’s bods” out there.


Rule #3 - You shall have fun with Fashion!

Your problem – you don’t know how to create great outfits and you feel stuck when it comes to choosing something for a special occasion.

Your solution – don’t be shy and master the arts of layering with a blazer or cardigan, accessorizing with a scarf, and mix-matching formal pieces with casual pieces such as a white crisp shirt with a pair of jeans.


Rule #4 - You shall keep your closet organised at all times!

Your problem – you are wearing 20%, if not way less, of your wardrobe. And what a waste of money, don’t you think? All those beautiful pieces you once bought at a great price you don’t even know exist in your wardrobe… because there is just way too much in it!

Your solution – Keep all the unwearable items such as the good intentionally gifted cartoon tees, and anything similar locked in a box, away from your sight. You should only see items you wear constantly and regularly in your closet. Read my previous article on how to organise your closet, that would help.


Rule #5 - You shall invest in staples!

Your problem – You struggle with putting together nice outfits, especially smart-casual or formal perhaps.  

Your solution – You need to diversify your closet and start buying various timeless pieces in natural fabrics and made in great craftsmanship. Read my article listing men’s essentials wardrobe staples, that will help you put together a cohesive capsule wardrobe for a start. 


Rule #6 - You shall buy intentionally!

Your problem – You are sometimes (or most of the time) a bargain shopper, and you often end up with many things you don’t really need just because you got them at a discounted price!

Your solution – create a capsule wardrobe with a specific number of items that you really need and stick to that number. And if you buy one garment, make it a habit (sorry a RULE) to donate another one!


Rule #7 - You shall stick to your colour palette!

Your Problem – You can sometimes look dull or washed out. And that’s probably because you are wearing the wrong colours around your face.

You Solution - Certain colours suit you more than others. I offer a colour analysis session to my clients, and I can guarantee you, they see the distinctive effect of certain colours on their complexion compared to others. If you want to look you best, make an effort to know your colour season and stick to your palette.  


Rule #8 - You shall embrace neutrals colours FIRST!

Your problem – your wardrobe is made of endless patterns, colours and textures, you end up either looking like a clown or not wearing anything at all.

Your Solution – First things come first. Start by the basic and build a capsule wardrobe in neutral colours. Neutral colours not only will make you look expensive (for a bargain!), but they also go perfectly with each other’s, making it so much easier for you to put a stylish outfit together. Once you have mastered the art of capsule wardrobe, you can then add some lovely touch of colours to brighten up your style.


Rule #9 - You shall get inspired by the right celebrities!

Your Problem – You think you can pull off the same dress as the gorgeous Bella Hadid… and look exactly the same as her on the runway. Well, I’m sorry to crush your dreams (I mean delusions, OUPS!!).

Your Solution – Follow other stylish celebrities or influencers that have the same body shape as you do. If you are a Triangle body type like Kate Middleton for instance, then observe how she styles herself to balances out her figure. If you are pear shape, look at celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez, Beyonce. Even if you don’t like their style, you will know what not to do. You can also have a fashion vision board with what could suit you best.


Rule #10 - You shall love your tailor!

Your Problem – you invest in great pieces, but unfortunately you are too lazy to go the next step and get them tailored.

Your Solution - Your tailor is your best friend. Even if most clothes suit you off the rack, don’t get lazy and get you shirts, pants, skirts, dresses and especially your suit tailored. You will look so much better than the rest of the crowd!





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